As a long-standing member of the Barbershop Harmony Society, The Singing Buckeyes are a diverse brotherhood of men. They love to ring chords while singing four-part harmony, mostly in the Barbershop style. They enjoy performing for a variety of audiences, and (for those who are inclined) competing with other choruses and quartets! The Contest Chorus performs at a very high A level, while our Performance Chorus is your just as high-performing everyman's ensemble. They are active in the local arts community and in charitable and educational endeavors. Interested men are invited to visit as a guest any Tuesday evening. If you enjoy the artistry, fellowship, and just plain fun we share, you are welcomed!
- Mike Sitter
The group is an amazing organization with true fellowship, compassion and excellent singing abilities. I highly recommend this group for any guy who loves to sing!!
- Jeanne Middleton
The Singing Buckeyes is a premiere A-Capella Chorus that specializes in Barbershop Harmony. As a reoccurring member every week, I can honestly say this chorus has changed my life! Through the Singing Buckeyes, I formed a quartet of some of my best friends for life. It's GREAT to be a Buckeye!
- Jake Bavarsky